
Friday, November 19, 2010

My Bucket List

I had a list of major life goals
1) Graduate from college...Check, did that.
2) Fall in love …Check, did that.  A couple times, but it's the last that counts.
3) Get married…Check, did that.
4) Have babies…Check, check, check, check, check, check, check, and check.  Did that times 8. 

We even built ourselves a house that I designed.  Something I considered more of a fabulous dream than an expected goal.  But, now what?  Here I was at 50, feeling as if the big (and wonderful) goals I’d been planning to accomplish in my life were done, and I was left to sit on the sidelines, watching my kids reach for their goals.  Of course, I rejoice with them, and look forward to weddings and grandchildren, but that’s still as an observer of their lives.  I know this sounds a little simplistic and ungrateful, and more than a little bit selfish, but I was feeling low and tired.

Even while feeling sorry for myself, I had started a list.  It was only in my head so far, and I just hadn’t appreciated what that growing list might do for me yet.  I was forming my Bucket List.  Unlike those you hear about, it didn’t include travel to far off and exotic places, or risky adventure, neither of which particularly appeal to me.  The list holds things I can do right here at home, the place I love to be most…Things I’ve been always meaning to try, or tried previously without getting very far. 

Although none can compete with the highs of new love, or the blessing and miracle of a new baby,  some fun and growth is yet to be had!  Showing it to you all may help me remember to keep after it.

The List (not in any particular order)

1)      Kitchen:
a.       Make a sourdough starter and sourdough breads
b.      Make my own yogurt
c.       Make fresh pastas
d.      Create more veggie-rich meals, including work lunches for DH
2)      Sewing:
a.       Machine Embroidery…I have the machine and I should use it!
b.      Sew for the local crisis pregnancy organization
c.       Sew for myself and the kids again…Make a duct tape body form?
3)      Gardening
a.       Study greenhouse gardening…Get the greenhouse fixed, finished, and working for us
b.      Learn succession gardening
c.       Learn all-season gardening
d.      Establish and plant berry gardens
4)      Yard
a.       Create flower beds around the front porch, and eventually redirect the driveway
b.      Remove sod, and put gravel around the garden boxes
5)      Woodworking
a.       Butcher block cutting boards
b.      Tables and work islands
c.       Start business?
      6)      Raise chickens…?  We’ll see…
7)      Art and Crafts
a.       Learn to knit
b.      Keep a sketch diary
c.       Refresh my painting skills
8)      House
a.       Create our ‘library’
b.      Design a pet area, including a contraption to keep the dogs out of the cat food, or we’ll need a doggie treadmill (Rosie is already almost rolling down the stairs in the morning.)
       9)      Homeschooling
a.       More writing!
b.      Expand the great new math program (Teaching Textbooks) used for grade 7 and Algebra this year for all the kids at all levels
c.       More reading!
d.      History timelines
e.       Have a ‘project component,’ so there are always ongoing projects underway for each child
       10)  Self-Improvement
a.       Daily devotions/Bible
b.      Daily exercise…Oh, ok…
c.       READ…Quit returning books to the library only partially read.
d.      Periodic dates with DH…The Love Dare?
        11) Write blog entries that don't take 2 days to post, and 2 days to read!

That ought to keep me going for awhile….


  1. ( this is C ,,,R has the account) I love your new blog ! The pizza looks really good and I am so glad the ovens are working. Now where is your crust recipe ?????

    I admire your bucket list. I have never thought to make one, I even had to look up what it meant a while back when I kept hearing folks refer to it. You have an impressive list. I may need to think about it and make one for myself. c

  2. So excited to see your blog up and running!

    I look forward to more delicious food photos, endearing kid stories, and seeing you flourish. BTW, what is the "Love Dare"...or "dare" I ask?!

  3. Thanks, C! The crust recipe is tomorrow's, I think.

    WS_Harris, the "Love Dare" is a book based on a movie with the same name. --About love as an 'action' toward someone else (showing love) instead of just waiting around to feel it.

  4. Thanks rhome. You aren't talking about the french film "Love Me if You Dare", are you? That's the only one close to that I could find on Netflix.

  5. Definitely not that one. But it's all because I gave VERY bad information. The movie is actually called "Fireproof"...Not even close to what I said, sorry. That's what I get for answering comments too late at night. In the movie, the main character did the "Love Dare" book assignments as part of rebuilding his marriage relationship.

    Love Dare link:

    Fireproof link:

  6. I've used this tag line on my outgoing email for years.

    epistemophiliac "Eh-pis-tuh-mu-fill-e-ack" means obsessed with a desire
    of knowledge

  7. T... My oldest dd certainly fits that description. I have lesser symptoms of the condition. :-)

  8. Yay! So excited about your new blog! You know I love your kitchen and I am very inspired to read that you have eight kids.

    Yogurt making is super easy. You just need a pot, your finger and a bit of yogurt.

    Looking forward to your future posts.


  9. Sabjimata, I am sorry I never responded to your comment! Thanks for the encouragement. Your blog is amazing...Another inspiration of mine. I am looking forward to trying the yogurt. Like the sourdough starter, I just have to carve out a moment and DO IT.
