
Monday, October 3, 2011

Fly free, Amanda

Scenic Perugia, Italy
photo from
I wonder if those of you in other areas of the country are as aware of the Amanda Knox case as those of us in the Pacific NW.  This former University of Washington student, who went to Italy for language study, has been in jail there for 4 years.  She was accused, then convicted of the brutal murder of her roommate and friend in a case with, ultimately, circumstantial evidence that didn't add up, especially when combined with DNA evidence, and a horrendous supposed motive.  I can only partially imagine the torment and anxiety her parents have been through, also.

Based on the initial, shocking guilty verdict, no one could be certain of the outcome of her appeal that was decided today.  I don't know this girl or her family personally, but tears flowed in happiness for them today when the Italian courts threw out her murder conviction and set her free to return home.  Praise God for His answer to the prayers of many.

Rest in peace, Meredith Kercher, and I pray for her family, too.  4 years is a long time without a daughter safe at home, but forever more is longer...

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