
Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Get to Bake Bread Today...

... again.  :-\

I baked 4 loaves of my whole wheat sandwich bread yesterday.  I put them back toward the back of the counter, covered with a kitchen towel to cool, and left for Costco with Prince CuddleBunny.

When we got home, our 3 year old Lab, Rosie met us at the car with what looked like a big car-washing sponge in her mouth.  I followed her to see what she was mangling, and it was a loaf of bread!  
I chased her down, scolding her all the way...all falling on rubber ears, I'm sure.  I could tell from the look on her face, it was all just bouncing off.

I went inside to see only 2 loaves of bread remaining.  
Since that's about just enough to cover today's lunch and my hungry-all-the-time teen athletes' snacks, I'll be starting over...

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