
Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Great Start

I have decided to set goals and establish monthly "to-do-lists," rather than declare any "resolutions" for the coming year.  I don't have any of that worked out well enough to share, or, of course, know exactly what 2012 will bring... but I think we had a great start to the New Year today. 

Our home-based newlyweds put on their chef hats again, to create and host a bountiful and delicious brunch.  

Grapefruit, oranges, mango,
grapes, and pomegranate 
Working late into the night after spending New Year's Eve with friends, 
they baked cream puffs and cut lots of great fresh fruit into a salad.

Princess Artiste stepped in to help
fill the quadruple batch of cream puffs

This morning they filled the cream puffs with custard and whipped cream, and cooked up sausage, bacon, and scrambled eggs with veggies and cheese.  

A friend and Prince Steadfast's dad joined us, and we all ate until we were more than full.

I hope you had a great New Year's Day, and it's only the start of great things in the year to come!

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