
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking Back...

Reading through the titles of old posts, I see 2 significant steps. Changes in our pizza crust recipe made a difference in our lives on a weekly basis, with improvement in the taste and texture of our pizzas, and an easier pizza-making routine:                                                                                                                                         
Pizza Crust....The continuing quest for the best.

And making our own yogurt was a new and successful experiment, although I haven't done it since.  I will again, someday, though, when I gather all the right equipment, so the process can better fit my multi-tasking life.
Bucket List Item: Making Yogurt

A gadget that's made a big difference in our breakfast menu and added to our nutrition:

New Oat Flaker/Roller

I shared routine things that brighten my days...                                                                                                                                                                            
Routine Sustenance

and my weakness.
My Not-so-secret Problem: A Bowl Addiction

We have 3 birthdays the first week in April, which are usually the big events of the month.  This year however 2 engagements took center stage!                                                                                                              
Good Things Come in Twos!

Twosome Tuesday: Wedding Dresses
We, of course, started prep at a quick pace, aiming for 2 summer weddings.

We finally met Prince Helium in person, and he was a blessing on the spot when Prince Go-for-It passed out from a sinus infection, resulting in a worrisome trip to the ER.                                                               
A Princely Scare and the Comfort Food Hug for After

Wedding prep and discussions continued, and the in-laws' house remodel, with the kitchen I designed and built by Hubby, and with other decor choices I'd made, was coming together.                                                                                                               
Update...In-laws' Remodel

Nothing could beat out our first wedding for the #1 blessing and accomplishment!                                                                                            
Wedding #1: Check!

The in-laws' remodeled house selling in one day was big news (In-Laws' House: SOLD), but, certainly, Wedding #2 ruled this month.                                                                                                                                                                
Twosome Tuesday: I suppose you want photos?

Twosome Tuesday: Photos from Wedding #2

It was time to get life back to normal.  I tried a few new things in cooking, we started excavation for the garage addition, and I made a gruesome discovery in the sewing room (I'm Not a Screamer...).  But my biggest project was refinishing the kitchen table and refreshing the finish on the island.
More Stripping at our House, Part 2
We discussed finances in the Money Monday, the Series in adjusting to our adjusted (lower) income... and fed 26 for the cross-country team pizza feed.                                                                                                      
Pizza for 26

I celebrated my Blogiversary, but mostly enjoyed Thanksgiving, headed up by the newlywed chefs.

Thanksgiving Prep - The Day Before

Thanksgiving Meal

This has been a month full of activity, joy, and busyness.                                                                                                                             

Getting a new oven is always a biggie...

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Oven #5

Family Christmas Festivities
and hosting a Christmas party for my side of the family was an honor and a delight.

 Hubby-built Bookshelf
Also, so great to have the bookshelf up and operational for that.

But Christmas with our own brood in our own home is always the best.

Glimpses of our Blessed Christmas

Link up: Top Projects of 2011 Party
Thanks to seeing it on Sugar & Spice in the land of Balls & SticksI'm linking to Southern Hospitality's Link up: Top Projects of 2011 Party.  I hope this post suits the theme well enough.  My 'projects' this year didn't all have before and after, and weren't all home-oriented, but it's been a wonderful, wonderful year full of great blessings, projects, and progress.  

I am thankful for all the events of 2011, and look forward to what God has planned for us in 2012.

Happy New Year to you and yours!!

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