
Monday, December 25, 2017

Silent Night

Silent Night... All is calm, all is bright... 

Merry Christmas, everyone! 

We’ve been without internet for days, so I’ve missed several themes in My Cozy Winter Home. 

Today we’ll just go ahead and wrap up with 

...some ‘Tradition,’ 


and ‘Stockings’ all at once!

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas with your loved ones!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Fuzzy Chickens Made to Roost

Our grandprincess loves the funky ceramic chickens perched on the top of the hutch in our kitchen, and always wishes she could get her hands on them. 

Thanks to the stuffed chicken pattern I found on, she’ll soon have some to carry around! 

I used fleece, and did stitched eyes to replace the buttons and fused sportweight fabrics for the beak, comb, and waddle instead of felt to make these kid-friendly and washable.

Trees, Trees, and More Trees

I can post my 2nd tree quilt of the season, since my daughter and son-in-law received and opened it today! 

I wanted to do a different look for this one using the same pieced trees as in the one I posted earlier this month in These Trees are Off the Wall!

This quilt is more modern, I think, with the wide stripes, no border, and edge-to-edge machine quilting (free-handed waves done while using the Brother Dream Machine's Muvit walking foot). This was a much faster quilting technique than hooping and quilting with embroidery designs, and I think it's just as attractive, just different.  I love it.  

Most quilters run their quilting lines much closer together.  But as long as I knew I was within the spacing specifications required by the batting I used,  I decided to invoke artistic license.  I felt these wider lines were in keeping with the scale of the overall design.

I used a flannel sheet as backing for some cozy cuddling.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Make This

Day 17 of My Cozy Winter Home: Make This.

I made these holiday pillow covers (and the table runner you can see in posts on Day 3 and Day 9) using kitchen towels and tablecloths I found at a discount department store, and cut into pieces, as needed. 

This gave me more yardage and in a good variety for less money than I would’ve spent at the fabric store, and included some embellishments, like embroidery and appliqué I would’ve had to add myself. 

If you’re at all hesitant about combining prints, using an already-coordinated set, like the towels, can give you a good start. I’ve sewn for years, but the runner and these pillows would be very beginner friendly with their straight seams and quick result. 

My favorite pillow is the one with the lettering. I closed that one with a zipper partly camouflaged in the plaid on the back. For others I used an even easier method... The backs are in 2 pieces, each about 2/3 the size of the back, set so they overlap. The pillow slips in, then the overlap keeps the pillow inside with no extra closure necessary.

Saturday, December 16, 2017


This is the first time in 32 years of marriage that I’ve thought to change up our bedroom for Christmas. 

Also, I’m new at layering, but I like it and would like to be better at it. Nowhere to go but up from this beginner’s effort. 

Day 16 of My Cozy Winter Home: Layered.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Christmas Tree

My Cozy Winter Home, Day 15, is supposed to be “Christmas Tree.” 

Since I prematurely showed our actual Christmas tree on “Evergreen” day, it seemed right to share this vintage 1985 tree I made for my in-laws... the partner to the fabric wreath I posted on “Wreath” day.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

This Ornament Flew in to Surprise Me

Day 14 of My Cozy Winter Home. 

I had planned to share antique ornaments that had belonged to my grandparents, until this guy appeared on our tree. 

My maternal grandmother loved hummingbirds. After she was gone, they were my mom’s favorite, too. After my mom passed away and it was becoming evident our dad couldn’t stay in their home, my sister was helping him into the car to go visit a retirement center he and my mom had visited when planning for future needs. Both were feeling sad, and neither were comfortable with this step they were taking. But a hummingbird suddenly flew in and looped around above their heads. 

 - In the garage. 

 - And at a time of year hummingbirds weren’t seen. 

They felt this couldn’t have been just a coincidence. 

As Christians we don’t believe it was my mom in the form of a bird, or anything like that. But we do believe the Lord knows us, knows what we need, and sends comfort to us in many forms, and this was perfect for my dad and sister in that moment. A reminder that God was with us every step of the way, and that the love of, and for, my mom went with my dad, wherever he lived. 

My daughter snuck this beautiful hummingbird onto my tree this week, knowing how I’d love to see something that represented the spirit of Grandma in our Christmas. Being together at the holidays was so important to her.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

It Doesn't Have to Be Perfect

IDHTBPTBB:  It Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful. 
Day 13 of My Cozy Winter Home. 

A piece of last year’s wrapping paper serves as our tree skirt. 

Long ago, kittens took their claw sharpening exercises out on my beloved ruby chairs, which have faded into more orange than ruby in places. 

The hand-me-down loveseat has become the picture of ‘threadbare.’ The picture of hard, big-family use on a tight budget. 

That’s how it’s always been here...But appreciated for the life lived in it, and all dolled up for Christmas (admittedly, from a polite distance)... Beautiful.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


My Cozy Winter Home, Day 12... Wreath. 

I made this wreath for my in-laws the first Christmas we were married (1985). Sadly, they haven’t been here to enjoy it, or us them, for several years, and I’ve had it back. 

This year I decided to hang it. A quick vacuuming took care of the 3 decades of dust, that for some reason, I couldn’t figure out how to be rid of in the previous few years. 

I guess it was all about timing. This was the year to let it join our Christmas again.

One Step (Stitch) Back

Un-sewing seams is definitely not my favorite activity, but it’s much improved with the accompaniment of Christmas music and my homemade version of a pumpkin-eggnog latte in a hefty, cheery, holiday mug. 

The quilt will look better with a different fabric in this spot.  Some things in life are worth taking the time for a 'do-over.'  But don't beat yourself up over those, and give yourself a little treat to make it pleasant!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

These Trees are Off the Wall!

You might remember the view on my design wall... the beginning sprouts of these trees I shared in October in Growing Christmas.
After each hooping, I could have the machine do a scan
so that I could place each design correctly.  I could
move, pivot, and even resize the design, as needed.

I’d wanted this gift to be wrapped around its recipient by Thanksgiving weekend to be used all through the holidays. I’m happy it’s now ready to send, though, and I had the best time making it! 

It was quilted in the hoop, and it was truly my decades-long dream to create my own designs in order to do so. The ‘snow drifts’ and some of the tree fills were free-handed on the screen, and for some, I combined and/or altered built-in shapes from the Stamp page and others in the machine's Design Center. 

Just a sampling of the fill designs I created
and saved on the machine. 

I was even able to include a personal note on one of the trees in my own handwriting, and create a cat outline, so his kitty would feel welcome to cuddle. So fun!! 

This Dream Machine 2 truly is AMAZING. And so is my tool-and technology-loving hubby for knowing how much it would help me create and talking me into it. 

Vintage in My Cozy Winter Home

Day 10 of My Cozy Winter Home with The Nester ... Vintage.

These shelves of vintage items help set the homey tone in our kitchen, year-around.

These pieces from their respective kitchens also bring in my grandmas, mom, and mother-in-law to be with us everyday.

Saturday, December 9, 2017


“Quirky.” Day 9 of My Cozy Winter Home

I love quirky and whimsical (and metal art), which is why I couldn’t resist this guy, and look forward to seeing him every Christmas. (He rocks back and forth and his poles move as he skis.) 

He’s vintagey and cheerful, and is a nod to my dad’s delight in fun, moving toys, which he shared with us and his grandkids. It’s like seeing a bit of him in my winter decor.

Friday, December 8, 2017

My Cozy Winter Home Quote

I love this verse. It frees me from a lot of things I tend to worry about that this Scripture reminds me isn’t my business to fret over! 

I’m not in charge. It allows me instead to focus on love, thankfulness, and all things much more positive.

My Cozy Winter Home, thanks to The Nester, Day 8: Quote.

I have no fireplace, so had to skip Day 7!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Day 6 of My Cozy Winter Home with the Nester: “Shelfie.” 

I regret the lack of foresight regarding open shelving when I designed our home, and the resulting lack of decorative shelves! We have 3. 
  • One has photos of our grandparents 
  • Oe has ceramic art by one of our daughters
  • The 3rd I’ll share on “Vintage” day

Nothing could have more meaning than what those shelves hold, so I don’t change them seasonally. 

That means this one is the shelf I’ll be focusing most on this winter! 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

My Cozy Winter Kitchen

My Cozy Winter Home (with @thenester ), Day 5: Kitchen! 

--My favorite and warmest room in our house. 

It’s lovely and serene when clean and quiet, but full and bustling is even better!

Monday, December 4, 2017


My Cozy Winter Home with @thenester, Day 4: Evergreen.

The smell, the textures, the GREEN. 

We are blessed to live in area where, not only do we have fresh evergreen trees, boughs, and wreaths readily and affordably available for Christmas, but, also, to have year-round views of evergreens surrounding us. (I think my stairway garland still needs work!)

Sunday, December 3, 2017


Day 3 of My Cozy Winter Home (via The Nester) : Minimal. 

I like to allow architectural details and materials to make a strong statement, like the woodwork milled from trees cut to clear for our house, and the ‘tile rug’ in our entry. I like to see tabletops and window trim (and window views). 

With 8 kiddos and multiple pets, I never wanted to add to clutter, or to increase dusting and laundry, so my decorating style can be a bit simple and bare. Today we’ll call it “minimal!” 

Saturday, December 2, 2017


Only day 2 of @thenester ‘s My Cozy Winter Home virtual home tours and I almost forgot! Today’s theme: Cozy. It’s difficult to choose one shot of this theme, but here is someone who always knows how to make herself cozy, and with that fluff, she can’t help but be it herself. A shelf full of books (built by Hubby) and Prince CuddleBunny doing his schoolwork are part of a cozy home for me.

Friday, December 1, 2017

My Cozy Winter Home

I am joining The Nester (and many, many others) as we host our own virtual open houses. Photos posted on Instagram for the first 24 days of this month will exhibit different aspects of My Cozy Winter Home.  (I'll share here, too.)  Mine is far from perfect, and I’m trying some things that are new for me, so come along and share yours, too!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Priceless (Princeful) Decor

Loving these kitchen accessories!  

I don't usually allow literal 'counter-seating.' But sometimes the rules just aren't necessary, and appreciating the view...and the blessings in it... is.  Prince CuddleBunny is growing so fast.  I'll cherish his presence while I can, and the doggies, too.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Growing Christmas

Inspired by a pin from moderndayquilts, a great project to combine my fallish and Christmas moods, I have trees sprouting on my design wall!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Scribbling Out Ideas... Why Not?

I have a million ideas I'm waiting to sew out, but when this one popped into my head, I decided to jump in and try it. With life distractions, it took 'only' 3 days to actually get it done. But that's good for me, and, more importantly, it worked!

I thought I was done with machine embroidery, because the styles of designs didn't suit my needs, and anything original took a lot of work.  My time to create is limited, and I'd rather sew than fuss. 

A terrible photo of a beautiful (and huge) machine in the midst
of a terrible mess... or maybe we'll call it a creative flurry.

But then Hubby and I happened upon the Brother Dream Machine 2 at SewExpo last March. --An event we attended knowing I would not be buying a new machine.  But a sucker fanatic for all things related to Computer Aided Design, as he sees in his shop tools, he encouraged me to watch the demonstration... and then consider buying the machine! 

He knows that I've been yearing to design my own stitch patterns for years, and have given it a good try with previous machines, which all fell short of glowing claims. (At least did so for those of us suffering from terminal impatience.)  It just might be the machine I've awaited for years that will help me bring those stitch designs in my head into reality.

"Stamp" options.  These can be resized,
stretched or narrowed, combined, or
portions erased. Besides stamps,
other options include lines, free-hand drawing,
or scanned or imported line drawings!

I scanned the fabric pieces I'd placed on hooped, sticky stabilizer.  On-screen, I placed a few circles from the machine's built-in 'stamp' files in its "Design Center," edited stitch and size, and I got the 'scribbly ' look I was hoping for.   

This is an onscreen scan of the hooped fabric,
so I can size & place the stitching correctly.

Stitch choices.  I used 2nd from left, and
left them all the same default color.

I expected the machine to sew each circle in its entirety, one at a time, but, because I had designated them all in the same stitch style and color, it was interesting to see how the software in the machine designed its own efficient path, not recognizing or having regard for shapes in the same way I do.  I could've designated them each their own color, even if I used the same thread in the machine, if it had been important to me that it sew in separate circles.

From screen view to reality!

It's simple, but a start. My husband said, "Did you want it to look like a little kid drew it?" 

Pretty much, yes.  :-)

He doesn't quite understand my love of modern design and quilting... Yet.

Monday, August 7, 2017


I am a word person.  Specifically, as an INFJ (one of the 16 Meyers-Briggs personality types), I am a written-word person. Don't ask me to actually speak words.  And I don't just mean in front of large groups.  I mean almost anything spontaneous... smaller groups... unexpected phone calls... leaving voicemail messages... small talk... 'greeting those beside you' in church... If you know me well, and I mean WELL, you might think I never shut up.  But that's for a 'lucky(?)' and select few.  Want me to write, though?  I'll spill everything.  (This can also be interpreted: My blog posts will rarely be short.)

Writing is a tool for me.  I can explain my thoughts better...although it will take some time because of a LOT of editing.  It can also be a way for me to rid myself of thoughts that whirr around in my brain, knotting my stomach and using my energy.  If I can write things down... often the things I want to tell someone with whom I may be frustrated... I am as free, and as bitterness-free, as if I'd said them.  I think it's because I feel burdened to remember these details or sharp bits of wisdom if they only exist in my mind.  If they're written down, I can access them if needed.  Usually, that need to share, though, evaporates when my mind releases them to a page.  If they are things that really should be shared, writing them first gives them better organization that I just might remember when I need to speak.

My Etsy Finds
I also love to hang words around my house...whether it's on artwork I create or in things I purchase.  I like to share bits of wisdom, inspiring song lyrics, and Scripture with my family in this way... hoping they will give us all some things to think about, and make a difference in our decisions and approaches in whatever situations we face.  I have long wanted to do this, as taught in Deuteronomy 11:18-20:
So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates...
Lyrics from favorite songs incorporated into
artwork or laid over a faded photo using
PicMonkey, then ordered on canvases.
(Songs by Miranda Lambert and Casting Crowns)

As much as I love words, I have been frustrated by the advice by so many authors and bloggers to choose a "Word of the Year."  Maybe it's because I love words so much that choosing one is impossible.  Maybe it's because I am a frustrated perfectionist and I'm afraid of getting it "wrong," and I will drive myself crazy second-guessing that focus as other ideas pop into my head.  I think it's because, to almost every question in which there is a choice, or encouragement to choose one favorite answer, I want to clarify, "In what situation?" I see many sides to everything.

Words on which I hope our family will focus.
This set hangs in our kitchen.
I also created these images in
PicMonkey and ordered canvases online

Honestly, my first reaction to choosing one word to describe my life is "TIRED."  This, of course, somewhat misses the boat in determining a motivating course or theme to one's year.  So my next reaction is "Survival."  Also, not that optimistic...

Most people choose and share 'their word' at the first of the year.  Oh, well.  Since it's now August, giving me adequate time to sort through all of the possibilities that have occurred to me over the first 2/3 of the year, I have settled on "Peace."  This encompasses a lot of areas, and is a much more positive spin on, and actually helps with "Survival." 

I first focused on the idea of "Peace" three years ago, when, in remembering his mother during a memorial service, a gentleman spoke of the 2 words his mother had personified..."Grace" and "Peace."  I thought it a wonderful legacy, and words by which I hoped my children would remember me some day.  So far, sadly, as my INFJ worrying seems hard to hide, I haven't made much progress toward a peaceful countenance. I was further reminded of that goal, though, when God led me to my own big lesson in peace this year, which I will share in another post.

I'm pretty sure I'll need the time to develop "Peace" more thoroughly in my life, so it can be my word for next year, too.  (And maybe some after that!)  So, there.  I'm now running 4 months ahead!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Telling Vignettes

I was sitting at the kitchen table, reading my devotional, Holley Gerth's What your Heart Needs for the Hard Days, a daily habit I started about 3 weeks ago.  I say 'daily habit'... I read one segment a day... and I've read about 7 so far, so you can see how the 'daily' thing is going!

Anyway, she was giving me new insight into the 23rd Psalm... how the green pastures aren't just clean, cool, and refreshing, as I'd imagined, but for sheep they're also sustenance/food. And since these life necessities are offered, we don't need to worry so much, and can rest in that promise. I was staring off, thinking about this new idea when I brought my gaze into focus, and saw this counter.  Not happily, I realized it was a vignette representative of my life right now...

First of all, it's messy, disorganized, and like many areas, rooms, and surfaces of our home, there are things there that don't belong.

Other things evidenced in this scene:
  • We have medical and dietary issues going on in the family that often mean different meals for each person.  For this, I am sorely unprepared (I keep not thinking ahead and having to 'punt' at each meal time), as well as the whole individual meal situation being frustrating, inefficient, and expensive.
  • Unpaid bills and pieces of mail with which I know not what to do taunt me.  I am in charge of mail, bills, and all things paperwork around here.  I've done it for 32+ years, but it's not my strong point, and it's all catching up with me.  The balls I used to juggle so well, to keep everything up-to-date and to know where everything is, even if not filed neatly, are all falling around me.
  • A box from a charger symbolizes our (over)use of technology.
  • Pet care items remind me one dog needs grooming and all our pets need shots.
  • Food items and gadgets show the projects my family starts, but leaves me to clean up.
  • The stack of books represent all those I mean to read but haven't, and the notebook is full of lists and project ideas yet to get past the 'write-it-down-before-I-forget' stage.

After stewing in frustration and overwhelm for a moment, uncharacteristically, I decided not to let that counter view define my day. I decided to unfocus from that, and, instead, "be present" for myself and my art today...To let my soul breathe...thank you, Emily P. Freeman! (You don't know Emily, her blog, or her books?  I highly recommend any.)

THIS is the type of vignette I'd prefer to represent my life...  

...A closeness to God and His Word, and letting my creative projects out of the notebook and into existence!

Today, I decided to take a Bible verse Prince Go-for-It and I had briefly discussed earlier, and make it into the wall canvas that had drawn itself in my mind.  

Unfortunately, my mind didn't create a background for it, so it is an example of my long-fought weakness in reaching design 'completeness' in my projects.  But I was pleasantly surprised that my rusty lettering skills still served me pretty well, and I'm attempting to be less 'neat' and less of a perfectionist, so this project certainly fits that bill!  

I enjoyed myself and it was relaxing.  A win for today.  --Not that it made the pile of bills disappear or the countertop properly organized.  Somehow, I want to simplify to be rid of that first vignette and live more often amongst the second. 

It doesn't seem like accepting a gift should be so difficult, but worry, busyness, and living in constant crisis distract us. Taking time to let my creative ideas come to life is a way of accepting the gift offered in Psalm 23... a version of 'lying down in green pastures and restoring my soul.'