*P o o f !*
gone. NO one knows where it is. There is NO reason for anyone to remove or move it. It is NOT in the fruit bowls or lurking behind them. A mystery........
Just what I need! ;-)
Meanwhile, there is lots going on around here...
The kids (and Hubby) are enduring the last week of school, the siding is finally wrapping around to the front of the garage, and I'm about to spend a bunch for doorknob sets, plumbing fixtures, and base cabinets for the upstairs kitchen area. We've decided to go 'non-upper' and install open shelves instead.
We also replaced our laundry equipment after our dryer overheated to an alarming extent last week, and we'd already been using limited cycles (actually 1 only) on the washer for a couple of years or more, due to repeated problems with the mother board. So we are now are catching up on the backlog of dirty clothes and towels that can grow amazingly large in 5 days. Our new set is the low tech, but heavy and durable, made by Speed Queen.

Meet Mr. Ring-necked Pigeon (the Mrs. came with him, but flew off too fast to get her pic), Mr. and Mrs. Mallard, and Mr. Pileated Woodpecker. We've also had his much smaller, but similarly marked cousins, a pair of Downy Woodpeckers, which we've also never seen before this year.