You may have noticed that I've been running quite behind on posting to my blog. It's been the usual busy here lately with work on the garage addition, the baby's arrival, visitors from afar, and the kids' sports and work activities... and then some.

I'd been looking forward to that particular weekend for months, as there was a special celebration for my aunt and uncle's golden wedding anniversary. But things had gotten complicated!
Princess Eager's tournament (1 game on Friday and 2 on Saturday) was the first addition to the schedule, followed by a tournament planned as a special treat by Prince Go-for-It's school baseball coach for the 9th graders who'd played together in the spring (2 games on Saturday and 1 on Sunday). Both tournaments were an hour's drive away... In different directions, of course.
Thankfully, Princess Artiste had a day off work that Saturday, and volunteered to miss the anniversary party to chauffeur Eager to her games, and to be her cheering section. Prince Inventive, Prince CuddleBunny, and I took Go-for-It to his Saturday morning game, and Inventive stayed to watch the end before leaving for work, while Hubby, the youngest prince, and I drove out to enjoy the special anniversary. After the party, Hubby, CuddleBunny, and I watched the end of Go-for-It's 2nd game of the day, before all 4 of us headed for home.
Are you following? I told you it got complicated, and I had been somewhat stressed during the week, making the calculations to be sure everyone got where they needed to safely and on time, with rides to and from, and family fans to support the athletes.
The weekend appeared to be nicely under control, and in the home stretch, when Hubby was overtaken by sickness on our way home. Soon after we arrived, he fell into bed with nausea, body aches, chills, and a fever. I tried to tend to him while also keeping him isolated, hoping the sickness wouldn't spread, and, exhausted, felt that I was at the end of my rope.
By morning, I felt very achy, too, and also nauseous, so the end of my rope had extended. --But Prince Go-for-It had more baseball to play, and none of our younger drivers in the family were available to transport him. We split duties. I drove him to his game and back, and crashed into bed while Hubby got up to take him to a baseball team try-out that evening.
Sickness was not exactly the cherry on the cake of our weekend... and also not where my rope quit stretching. Sunday night I got an email from my sister that my mom had experienced some confusion during the day, and even though it seemed to have resolved, she was taking her to the ER. It was best to have her checked out for stroke or infection. We thought it likely that even though she thoroughly enjoyed both, she was maybe just tired from attending the anniversary party the day before, and from hosting my brother and sister-in-law who had stayed with them while visiting from out of state.
We were not prepared for the doctor's discovery ... a large brain tumor.
I am happy to say our 82-year-old mom came through brain surgery like a champ holding onto her determination to "live 'til 100!" Because it was in her right frontal lobe, the left frontal lobe took right over so she didn't lose any function. Medical science and the human brain are amazing things, as is the power of so many prayers sent up on her behalf.
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The surgery was one big hurdle leapt, but we don't yet have enough information on the cancer to know what lies ahead. God knows, and we rest in that assurance... and welcome prayers for our parents during this challenging and frightening new journey upon which they've suddenly found themselves.