House Fowl
Speaking of birds, we have a new avian in our household... Out of a mysteriously shaped, and partially-open package from Princess Bossy and Prince Helium, hatched a new funky chicken for my belated birthday gift.
I am not a fan of countryish chicken decor. No offense to any who love it; it's just not me. But several years back, I was amused by these funnily roly-poly, ceramic hens, and had to have some. They have recently nested in the dish hutch in our kitchen.
This new guy is arty and metally cool, a little edgier than the comical hens, and with a more overbearing countenance... As every proud rooster should have.
Deserving a place on high from which to guard his brood and coop, I have placed him on top of the hutch. When it gets its top molding, he'll no longer fit... But I have a feeling he's safe there for awhile.
Prince CuddleBunny said he needed a name. Prince Stoic said "Richard" would be an appropriate, 'classy, lord-over-the-ceramic-chickens, -type name.' So Richard, it is. I hope my uncle, who shares the same name, won't mind... He is classy, after all.