The Tree Hunt
Armed with only a hand saw and trusty tape measure, we entered the wilds of the local Christmas tree farm...A favorite place for the last decade. In years past, the weather is usually downright nasty and cold when we go, but today the sky was blue.
The challenge of searching out the 'right' tree lay ahead of us...But 'right?' 8 hunters had about 8 different ideas of what that means. We had to find a tree to meet everyone's priorities with all the nuances that meant to each. Basically, the requirements were these: About 7 feet tall...Bushy, without being too bushy to let decorations hang...With strong enough branches to hold the heavier ornaments... Hubby's preference for the Noble Fir was quickly outvoted. Princess Sassy said they looked 'like a kids' drawing of a tree...If the kid was too impatient to draw very many branches.' In unusually quick order, motivated by the nippy temperature, we all settled on a beauty. Decorating is scheduled for Sunday.
I'm still short those 2 ornaments...