Saturday, July 23, 2011

Lesson Learned...Live a Little

Moms can look good, too.  I have discovered a little about spending on myself during the weddings-prep journey.  I can have a little fun and do something nice for myself without breaking the family bank.

The old stand-bys
During my too-many shopping trips, I found some nice dresses on clearance racks for $13 to $25, that I picked up for wearing to rehearsals, showers and other weddings we have to attend this summer.  So WHY have I gone, literally, years with only a couple dresses in my closet from which to choose?!  I have also found pretty and useful shoes between $20 and $35.  Hubby is very OK with me spending $20 to $30 every month or two to add to my wardrobe.  It's fun for him to see me in something new, too.

Also, more time spent seeing what's out there, and the opportunity to have more dresses, has opened my eyes to new options and greater variety.  I am having fun stepping out of my box and away from my 'look like that all the time' choices. Not every selection has to fit every occasion.

$24.  Great for a friend's son's wedding, and
anything else a little dressy.

$13. Wedding #1 rehearsal & the dinner at a fairly
casual restaurant.  Summery & fun, similar in tone
to Princess Sassy's choice for that evening

$22.  SO comfy.  Totally unlike my normal
choices, but really fun to wear to the joint
bridal shower for both princesses.

$22.  Another fun & comfy choice. These will go with two of the above
dresses, making them suitable for our niece's wedding in her
grandparents' field, or a for a summer outing almost anywhere.  

$35.  These will go with all the above dressees,
making them suitable
for dinners, weddings, or anything

$9.  I usually have 1 purse & use it 'til it's well past its prime.
My previous one was ORANGE.  This will be more neutral,
while still a fun color.  (I had a gorgeous red purse

a few years ago.  After that, I couldn't go back to black or
brown, and have had yellow, green, and the orange...
So it was blue's turn!)
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