Since mine is mostly full of underdeveloped, very green tomatoes,
deer-eaten bean plants, cucumber plants that never produced, and a bunch of purple potato plants, I was ever-so-happy to oblige.
We came home with rhubarb, figs, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapenos, and basil!

He wants me to help myself whenever I think of it, including the future harvest of corn, apples, and quince. The corn may be 'iffy' if the bear frequenting our friend's neighborhood and property beats me to it.
Both the figs and quince are new to me, so I will have fun investigating and experimenting.

Princess Sassy and Prince CuddleBunny picked a huge bowlful of blackberries while we were at the friend's garden. They have requested Blackberry-Rhubarb Pie, so that's first on my list. Princess Sassy also said I now owe our friend much more bread! She says he gets two loaves, just for the figs. :-)