The first was a part of my series linked to Simple Mom's Project: Simplify 2012, a post showing the organization of our pantry:
Clutter Hotspot #2 - Pantry/Kitchen
The second was a redesign of our island. Not only a cosmetic change, but for function in swapping the original doored cabinets for more drawers. We also usurped some of the seating overhang for additional storage in:
Vive la Différence
The 3rd one was part of my series explaining the design and construction of our house, a 98% DIY project by our family, now all shared on this page:
Our (DIY'd) Home for 10
Also, like Pat, I'd like to recognize and thank the two blogs that pushed the most reading traffic my way:
I first met Laxsupermom on the Gardenweb Kitchen Forum, and she is not only responsible for sending a lot of clicks my way, but was one of the people who answered a lot of questions and gave valuable advice in setting up and continuing my blog. She writes Sugar & Spice in the land of Balls & Sticks. She seems to have taken quite a hiatus, I think to be more present in her family's life, which I really admire and applaud!
I met the following lovely lady when I was about five, and she was just newborn! Jennifer writes Another journey....

Lastly, I want to express my appreciation to all who read and comment; it means so much to me, and the others on the ends of fun relationships I've formed here in BloggyLand. There are so many blogs I read and enjoy, with authors I so respect. And, thanks, also to those who link from my blog to Amazon to do your various shopping, helping out our family coffers... Mostly, helping add to our Home library!
Party healthily and wisely, but enjoy this last day and night of
I can't believe another year has come and gone so quickly!