Friday, March 8, 2013

Wanna-Be... A lot of things!

I might consider this sort of my daily "Bucket List" - Please forgive me repeating ones you've heard before:

I want to sew... quilts, baby clothes, clothes for myself, clothes and projects for others.

I want to crochet --I should say learn to crochet--and then make fantastic afghans for my children grandchildren to cuddle in, like my grandmas did.

I want to bake and keep the bread drawer, granola container, and cookie jar full.

I want to learn to make, then keep us supplied with, tortillas.

I want to cook full and delicious dinners, and serve family dinner at the table.

I want to do cook-ahead, freezer meals for busy days.

I want to get up early and make sure my family has nutritious breakfasts in the morning, and for those who leave, take nutritious lunches with them.

I want to read the Bible and related studies.

I want to read books about quilting, cooking, baking, sewing, art, and architecture.

I want to read entertaining books.

I want to learn to play the Yoyo Ma... in about a month.  haha

I want to be very fit and healthy.  Maybe even sculpted.  Definitely want to be sculpted.  I suppose this means actually moving...  (But Katie at Domestiphobia says, "It's the thought that counts!")

I want to ride my bike and be able to manage changes in terrain without so much effort.  I don't think thought alone will accomplish that one.

I want to be fully involved in homeschooling my children... Finding fun ways to learn and great projects to work on... Instilling a love for learning, and a love for doing things like math, writing, sewing, baking, building...  Going on adventurous, interesting, and fun field trips.

I want to garden.  I want my yard to look neat and beautiful, but mostly, I want to grow (and preserve) good, fresh food for our family.

I want to have people over for dinner, and the house (and 'larder') be ready for guests at all times.

I want to keep my home de-cluttered, dust-free, and comfortably beautiful and warm.

I want to keep better organized files and records of financial papers and other household business.

I want to integrate Bible verses into our home, following the admonition in Deuteronomy 6:6-9 "...These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."

I want to help make or save our family a significant amount of money to improve our monthly finances.

I want to share our projects and a bit of our lives on this blog... Not only sharing ourselves and preserving memories for family and friends, but hopefully, feeding others in some positive way.

I want to start a kitchen design page on the blog for those who yearn for a functional and family-friendly layout, and may not be finding the help they need elsewhere or are having trouble organizing their wishes into a plan.

I want to feel more willing to reach out and get involved in church projects and programs.

I want to be the greatest wife my husband could ever dream of....Supportive, accomplished, cheerful, attractive, helpful, respectful, loving, builder-upper.

I want to spend more 'couple time' with Hubby.

I want to be the greatest, most helpful, encouraging, supportive, loving, and beloved mom to my children... and also confidante and friend as they grown and become adults.

I want to really know each of my children as individuals, and have a close relationship with each, encouraging and supporting their dreams and ambitions, as God leads.

I want to be able to sit and enjoy a movie or favorite TV show with my family.

Downloadable images suitable for making reminder wall hangings
Live the Way you Want to be Remembered by Kristen Duke,
in which, among other good things worth reading, she says:
"...I want to live in such a way that they will remember our time fondly. I don’t want them to remember me always on the computer, but spending time with them or reading to them or taking them on adventures."

I want to be the best grandma to my soon-to-arrive grandson and other future grandchildren... I want to be the kind of grandma who bakes, sews, reads, cuddles, and is cheerful, loving, and fun.

I want to meet with close friends.

I want to spend time with my parents.

I want to connect with the Lord all day every day, trusting and living in faith instead of fatigue and fear.  --Sitting in confidence of my salvation, walking in the path He has for me, and standing with Him in the face of whatever my days bring.  

I want the spirit of faith, thankfulness, praise, love, service, and family to be contagious in our house, and, with the Lord's help, I want to be a main 'carrier.'

And.... I since I want to feel energetic enough to get out of my chair and do these things... I want more sleep!

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Whoa,Elaine! You don't want MUCH do you?!
You know I kid...
I readily agree with you on so many of these...but I L.L.O.L (literally, laughed out loud) at the
'feeling willing" to reach out and be involved in church events. Don't get me wrong--I'm all for church. But those of us who are willing-- are the ones that are depended upon by those who aren't willing.
I do totally agree with the 'feeling willing' part! I don't 'feel' willing right now.

I guess it shows, ...probably.

My recent post :: Free Paint Saturday::
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
I just don't think any of this sounds unreasonable, but then when I get to trying to fit it into my days.... Something just doesn't quite work! I think it's all the other things that decide to crop up and get in my way.

I just had to be honest about that church one. I really do WANT to want to help, but when I think about it, I just feel tired... and guilty... and then frustrated. Spiritual warfare, I think.
so wonderful! I'm happy to hear my thoughts resonated with you!
JC tiredjustreading's avatar

JC tiredjustreading · 626 weeks ago

Oh, I so do hear this list! I'm not a single minded type, but I like to have one or two immediate goals and work them through to the end. Since I counted enough work on your list to keep seven people employed full time and leave you free just for the personal stuff, I figure the only way you can do it is if you rigidly schedule your goals, make check of lists (quality time with Prince #2--check, tortillas made--check, twenty minutes hands occupied on grandson's afghan--check--another couple of weeks and it'll just be fringe to go). So, are you the type to get off on multitasking and achieving high piles of work output while managing your relationships and being mindful of the Lord? Hands doing one thing while something bakes, heart and mouth communicating with someone else, and thoughts and soul focused on spiritual life? In other words, are you even remotely a type A?

A lot of those high achieving ancestresses of ours, who made doing it all look so easy, would have, in our generation, been CEOs, top lawyers, sculptors, or any other kind of driven careerist. Or they would have put all that energy into minding their homes and families just as they did in their own time. But it's a *job*. A lot of extremely hard work. And they didn't share their doubts and fears the way we do today. We didn't see them sobbing in the closet because they were so tired and had so much to do. We don't remember that they used the older kids to mind the younger ones and would have loved to just play with them, or take them for a walk, but needed to get the floors cleaned and the baking done while the kids' were out from underfoot.

I get the list. I really do. But I also hear in it the cry of every mom who feels overwhelmed because her sights are so beyond the reach of anyone but superwoman.

You do realize that we, out here, already thought you *were* superwoman? You once broke down how you got into milling your own wheat and baking your own bread as a step by step evolution, not a head first plunge into superwomanhood. It made you an inspiration rather than intimidating. So do the same with your list. Unlike your actual bucket list, which has dream goals like keeping chickens, a lot of things on today's list are things that you already are on the path of doing. You *can* achieve a lot of them serially if not simultaneously if you'll just give yourself a break and appreciate the small steps.. And if you use all the time that you're not sleeping for making the bad tortillas that precede the good ones. :) Good luck with that!
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
I think I am definitely Type A, but have grown and matured into not wanting to be too much that way. I think we are a lot alike in the keeping a couple of projects or goals going and getting them done. I'm not one that can schedule a task and return to it for small sessions over weeks to get it done. I get bored with it if it takes too long...or has too many ingredients or pieces! That's why I don't do tailoring or other complex sewing... just quick kids' clothes, simple piecing, etc.

I feel like I have only a certain number of years left, and also see that I've lost time to instill certain habits and ideals in my family, so want to make the most of my days, and I really want to leave a legacy and impression of my values. I look at those things and none seem unreasonable, but the list does seem long!

Your description of the tortillas is what's happening with my crochet! Not sure I was born to do that particular thing, LOL. Learning from a book just leaves a lot to be desired, I think.
Beautiful post! And it totally IS the thought that counts. ;)
My recent post Phenomenon.

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