Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not Just Yet...

Rattled nerves, dented confidence, explanations for the hurtful behavior of others or why accidents happen to the most careful and competent drivers... I don't have all the answers or all the solutions for my kids.  But I want to kiss it and make it all better!  Isn't that my job?  I want my children growing to be calm, content, and appreciate the blessings in their lives over the troubles.  When I see my kids want to fix everything by expecting to be strong while actually feeling overwhelmed and unable, I, in turn, want to fix all that by convincing them not to demand so much of themselves.  I'm probably not modeling what I'm trying to encourage...

Still hurting on behalf of my hurting offspring, I went upstairs last night and saw on the news that the flu is hitting late, and many kids are out of school in areas north of the Big City.  I was feeling relieved that our kids were finally healthy after a fluish winter and at least I don't have that on my plate... Then, this morning, Princess Artiste and Prince Go-for-It got up with chills, fever, and flu symptoms.  

It's not particularly uplifting, either, that our main living areas are cluttered with the understair clean-out project, but maybe completing it will be good medicine! --And I promise more positive posts soon!  

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