The Chives Live On!
You may remember that a few weeks ago, I pulled out, separated, and replanted my overgrown chives, leaving extras to dry and die. (Shown in May 11th's (Almost) Wordless Wednesday post) It was time to run in and make dinner by the time I finished that day, and life's been busy, so the discarded plants have been lying on the old concrete slab ever since...with bare roots exposed to cold nights and at least a few sunny and dry days. Not exactly the steps for Conscientious Plant Care 101.
So, when late this past week, I went to check on recently planted veggies, I was surprised to see scenes shown in the photos... prolific amounts of chive flowers, reaching for the sun.
Why is it that plants I don't want live on and thrive, while those I cultivate carefully and really want to produce wilt away?!
I can only laugh...and think maybe I'd better try some of the chive blossom culinary ideas presented in Oddly beautiful... by Gena at A Bluebonnet in Beantown. I have a feeling, though, if chive blossoms can be bitter, as she says, these would be.