I was checking emails at the computer Monday morning when I heard a loud CRASH upstairs. Princess Bossy was upstairs doing her own email correspondence, and gave the shout, "Is everyone OK?" ...No answer.
By the time I hit the top of the stairs, she hollered that Prince Go-for-it had passed out.

After some help down the stairs from Prince Helium, who was leaving for the airport that morning (thankful he and Princess Bossy were still around to help), off to the ER we went. I suspected he'd need a CT scan for possible head injury, and blood tests to check for the fainting cause, so didn't want to take him to the doctor, then the lab, then somewhere else for the scan... The ER would be 'one-stop-shopping,' and easier on a sick boy and his frazzled mother.

A couple of liters of fluid and a prescription for antibiotics, and we were out of there by early afternoon, with the prince upright, feeling pretty good... and starving. We stopped at Costco for a berry yogurt sundae, and picked up things for his choice of dinner later. He chose on of our family favorites...a nice warm, "comfort" type of dinner:
Mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, and sausage, topped with sour cream. We use Kielbasa, Polish sausage, or one of the all-natural, nitrite-free, chicken sausages we get at Costco. This time it was a new go-to pick that works well for this, on pizza, or in a 'dog,' Sabatino's chicken sausage, in the Smoked Mozzarella with Artichokes and Garlic flavor.