Thursday, June 28, 2012

Quiet Entertainment

First, another Hubby Update:  The surgery was successful in moving the broken bone back into place and re-attaching it with 3 screws to stabilize his shoulder joint... Meaning his arm should now stay in place!  Big plus.  

It has been quite painful, but now we're able to spread the pain meds out a bit, so no more waking through the night to keep up.  It's not fun to be in the sling, and he's TIRED.  

The first few days he was content to mostly stay in our room, reclining in his chair, which has also served as his bed so that he doesn't turn in a bad way during the night.  Now he's happy to join the family downstairs, and enjoys a spot by the window from which he can observe the activity at the bird feeders Prince CuddleBunny and I set up.

Black-capped Chickadee
The chickadees are our most frequent visitors, and we've seen 2 kinds: The Black-Capped chickadees, and the Chestnut-Backed Chickadees.  Previously, I'd been aware only of the Black-Capped birds, but I've now noticed the distinct difference between the more monotone birds and the Chestnuts with their bright brown shoulders. 
Chestnut-backed Chickadee

--Is there such a thing as "bright brown?"  I wouldn't have thought so until I saw these birds.  The color really flashes when they move around.

Black-headed Grosbeak

Our first, more colorful guest was this orange and black bird with white spots.  Using our favorite bird identification book, Birds of Seattle and Puget Sound,  
Birds of Seattle & Puget Sound

we thought it might be a Bullock's Oriole, which are listed as common in the area, but seldom seen.  

After I was able to see its bulkier beak more closely in this (blurry) photograph, however, I discovered it was, instead, a Black-Headed Grosbeak.

Spotted Towhee
The Grosbeak looks very much like the Spotted Towhee we caught sight of in the lawn.  

Like his smaller cousin, the Dark-Eyed Junco, which we saw for the first time yesterday, they clean up under the feeders.
Dark-eyed Juncos

Notice how full this feeder is...

Tuesday our watching was rewarded with the sight of one of the brightest colored NW birds, the American Goldfinch.  This beautiful guy shared the feeder with the Chickadees, a Black-Headed Grosbeak, and other finches for awhile and then flew off.

...compared to this one.  They were each filled
to the top on the same day.

Mr & Mrs Goldfinch

But he was back in about a half an hour, his little bride at his side.  :-)  She has accompanied him many times since.

Beautifully colored House or Purple Finch
We've noticed a lot of orange and red tinted finches, too, but can't get a clear ID.  We think they could be House Finches or Purple Finches... or maybe we've seen some of each.  

They, too, often dine in couples.

We've seen a few hummingbirds at the liquid feeder, but not many... And never with enough time to get a picture.

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