This morning the dogs got me up. They're not patient at all, so I slipped a comfy sweater over my nightgown, and ran downstairs.
After tending to the dogs, I started into my day... added photos to today's blog post, did the dishes left from last night's birthday dinner... It was a little gray outside, and an uncharacteristically quiet and peaceful day around our house. People were in and out, but mostly out. Only the younger 2 were home in the afternoon, but played quietly or napped, after getting up early for Vacation Bible School... Princess Eager as an assistant group leader, and Prince CuddleBunny as a participant.
With the house so quiet, it was a great opportunity to sit at the computer to get a bit ahead on the blog, while I also worked a bit in the kitchen... A nice, leisurely pace and day. I actually had time to think about only one or two things at a time!
I moved from blogging and yogurt-making to starting crust for dinner quiches when I realized it was 5 PM, and I was still in the nightgown! In my defense, it's a cotton knit, full-length gown that Princess Sassy bought, mistaking it for a maxi dress... So it's just casual and comfy, but doesn't look too bad.... ?
Princess Sassy is appalled. But it's not like I ran to WalMart in it. -Mostly just blogged away, and the only time I even went outside was to answer questions for the man from the truss company, whose visit I hadn't expected. (Hopefully, he assumed it was a dress!) I really don't think he cared a bit about what I was wearing, as long as he was able to accomplish his calculations. And I did shower and dress before dinner.

When Hubby got home, he asked how my day was. I just held out my hands, showing him I was still in my nightgown and cozy sweater. He said, "It was good, then, huh?" He knew. Sometimes I never make it out of pajama pants because the day was too hectic. Not today. Ahhhhh.
I can't be the only one who occasionally blogs all day in pajamas... Anyone else want to 'fess up?