Twosome Tuesday (almost): Am I Missing Anything?
The house is an obstacle course...full of gifts, the
soon-to-be marrieds' camping gear, and the decorations, clothing, bottled water, vases, etc., etc. for the special day. The good part is that I seem to have checked off almost everything that was on my list for the weekend and today. Can everything really be 'under control?' I'm afraid to think so. Am I overlooking something? Am I setting something aside that may be forgotten, and will be over a two hour's roundtrip drive away if we realize we need it?
The bridesmaids' dresses are trimmed. Those and rehearsal-wear are pressed. The bride decided on taller shoes, so there is no need to take scissors and needle to her already perfect dress to eliminate the fear of tripping.
I am in the midst of making a quadruple batch of granola after Hubby did all the oat rolling for me... Half to help us make it through this week, and half for the newlyweds to take on their honeymoon trip. (I haven't managed any bread baking since 4th of July weekend.)
Hubby and the crew just got home with gallons of water we'll make into lemonade tomorrow. We'll store it in the gallon jugs, to be carried and emptied into the beverage dispensers
by our crew of helpers, as needed. I was short on ideas for mixing the lemonade and getting it from the facility kitchen to the serving table...across a roomful of well-dressed mingling people. It was the bride's idea to mix it in the jugs before go to get us through the first round or two in the three, 3-gallon dispensers
we have.
We'll also pick up flowers tomorrow morning, and deal with them after the rehearsal dinner. Hopefully, things will still feel under control, as Princess Sassy envisions herself, her sister, and me, happily creating bouquets and boutonnieres, while enjoying some favorite munchies and watching Gilmore Girls
on DVD.
I had been feeling a little nervous about the 45 minutes or so we'll have between the wedding and the reception Wednesday evening. We'll have 40 people, a combination of the wedding party and wedding guests, to host for a buffet dinner. We'll have a couple tables to move, a youth group work crew leader to meet with, and final checks on decorations, cake cutting, and beverages. It was starting to sound like a LOT. So I contacted my friend, who has agreed to come early and be my third and fourth hands, and, probably most importantly, my 2nd brain during that time. That has made me feel a lot better.