Thanksgiving Prep - The Day Of
Before... |
We planned dinner for 18 or 19. However, since Prince CuddleBunny had a virus early in the week, most of our guests, including my health-fragile parents and a newborn, decided to stay away. So we hosted our own family and Prince Stoic's roommate. We were sorry the others couldn't join us, but we had a fun and relaxing day, feeling free of the stresses of meeting a particular timeline.
It's a good thing we weren't too set on a dinner time, because the turkey, or more precisely, the stuffing, did not cooperate. We have decided that next year, the stuffing will bake outside the turkey, since the turkey (and most of the rest of the dinner) was done far ahead of the stuffing reaching a safe-to-eat temperature.
Here are a bunch of pics of the prep and family fun that day.