Prince Go-for-It's last, big tournament was in Moses Lake, WA. This was during Princess Bossy's visit, so she came along! Since we didn't get the schedule until that week, so thought we might be playing first thing in the morning and it's a 3 1/2 hour drive, we arranged to arrive the day before. As it turned out, the first tournament game was at 8 PM. That meant we were there about a full day and a half early.
The coaches were glad to hear that, because the 18 year-old team was playing in nearby Ephrata, and needed some extra support. The prince ended up sitting the bench the first day, but started the game on the second day, several hours before his own game that evening.
The team always warms up for up to 2 hours before a game, so Bossy, CuddleBunny, and I had some time to kill, and drove to get snacks, water, and sunscreen. (We also got just a little sidetracked at a quilt fabric store and someone forgot we had a schedule to keep!) Prince Go-for-It thought the game started at 1:00. Unfortunately, it started at 12:30, so, according to the report from his coach, we missed 2 amazing plays our prince made in center field. But we were there for his first at-bat.
See that ball in the last picture, headed for the plate?
Turns out it wasn't headed toward the plate, but toward Go-for-It's hand! The ump was sure he'd hit a foul ball, since the ball landed somewhere past first base. But it hadn't. It struck the bone on the top of his right hand, leading from his ring finger to his wrist. The knuckle below that finger seemed to have disappeared into his hand...Not good.

Meanwhile, the 16 year-olds' tournament began...

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